I know I do!!!
I just found a website that sells mineral makeup, and they have a FREE trial kit. All you have to pay is S&H and it was $3.13, but I pretty sure that all this makeup retails for $20 or more. So go and check them out! The site is called Everyday Minerals, and what do you have to lose other than $3.13?
Oh and I have to share a funny story quick. Tonight I went to Target to pick up a couple of things that were on sale and I had a little run in with the cashier. In this Sunday's paper there was a coupon for $1 off any size Tide. So I thought great it doesn't say not use able on trial size so I'll go pick up a trial size for $.99 and get it for free. So that's what I did and when I handed the lady my coupon she tried to tell me that I could use it. Now I don't get confrontation hardly ever, I mean hardly ever, but one thing I will get confrontational about is saving money. So anyways, the lady told me that she wasn't going to scan my coupon. Well now I was getting a little upset because I know Target's coupon policy, and they will take coupons for anything (and you can stack them with the coupons that come directly from Target as well -FYI), unless the coupon says so otherwise. So I told her to read the coupon and did it say not usable on trial size. So she read it and said, well no it doesn't say that, so then I told her to scan it. And wonder of wonders the computer took it! She was not about to make me pay $.99 for my laundry detergent! Ok I think I'm turning into a coupon fanatic! :)
More updates coming in the next couple of days.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Who likes free stuff???
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Big Girl Bed!
Joy is now in a big girl bed. We were going to wait until she turned 2, but circumstances came about that we needed to move her. The circumstances being - her crib was recalled. I doubt anything would have happened, but one never knows so we thought we would play it safe.
Joy is sleeping in Grace's bed, because currently we only have one bed. Grace is sleeping on the floor - by her choice. Actually she has been sleeping on the floor since vacation. I'm not sure why but she prefers the floor now.
So anyways, Joy has been doing very well in the bed so far, and only gotten out once. So I'm hoping, hoping that this good trend will continue and she'll stay put! I never thought I could put my 2o month old in a big girl bed, but I'll take it. Next stop...get her out of diapers! Ha, I think that will be a while still, but a mom can hope, right?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Random Pictures
Grace also is a little monkey. She literally hangs on anything that she can. This is the underside of our dining room table. I'm just waiting for it to break one day. As long as she doesn't start hanging from our towel bars in the bathroom I think we'll be ok. And because she hangs off everything and asks me if "gynastics" (she saw gymnastics in the Olympics) is on t.v. at least 3 times a week, we're hoping to enroll her in a gymnastics class in the winter.
Joy thought she would give it a try too.
Today was Rich's and Nate's first football game of the season. Their boys have greatly improved over last year. They did lose, but I think they were both very proud of the boys and how far they've come since last season. Staci and I spent the game chasing the children. Grace gave herself a bloody nose, and Joy walked onto the track 3 times during the game. So yeah, we didn't see much the game. Rich is the one in the jeans, and I don't see Nate in the picture.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Baking Day!
Today Gracie and I made some sugar cookies and banana bread. She loves to help in the kitchen, so I try to let her help as much as possible, but I must admit, I'm a little bit of a control freak in the kitchen because I love to cook so much! So I let her stir, and dump ingredients, except for the egg - which she dropped on the counter twice and amazingly it didn't break. She must have had fun baking because it was the first thing she told Rich when he walked in the door today.
Friday, September 5, 2008
I promised myself I would never do this...
but I just had to share this great deal with you guys! I got all of this stuff for (drum roll please)... $0.64! I know you're probably thinking yeah right, but seriously $0.64! It normally would retail for $10.50. I was so excited that I immediately called my mom, who is probably the only other person who cares. :) I just hadn't been able to get such good deals. I found the links to these deals here. Seriously check this site. It is fabulous and I've gotten so many good tips from it already! Happy shopping!
Monday, September 1, 2008
What a great weekend!
We had a wonderful Labor Day weekend here at our house. It started on Friday night when we went to a bonfire with Mark & Krista. We had a great time and the kids had so much fun. It was their first time at a bonfire. Mark pulled the girls around in the wagon and they LOVED it!
Rich LOVES, and I mean LOVES to poke the fire. Joy decided to stop by (but not get to close to the fire thankfully) and pose for a picture with Daddy.
Mark gave Joy some marshmallow and she didn't like (which is very surprising). She ended up spitting it all over her arm, so of course I had to get a picture (albeit a blurry one).
Grace loves to hold her cousin Gavin, so we both cuddled with him a bit. He is such a sweet baby!
Saturday was the kick off to college football. As you can see Grace was very very excited!
Daddy and his girls!