Sunday, October 12, 2008

This is something I thougt I'd never see again...

Gas for $2.98!!!! I can't even tell you how excited we were when we saw the sign at the gas station on the way to church. I was able to fill up for $46. That used to fill maybe half of my tank! So we're loving the lower gas prices here. I hope they keep falling.

Picture posts coming later this week.


Anonymous said...

WE haven't seen the gas price hit below the $3.00 mark yet in our area...hoping. This is a help to us as well with 4 trips to Grand Rapids in 8 days for Grandpa's eye surgeries. The economy needs a few bright places to say the least. Love to all...GGMA & GGPA F.

Anonymous said...

Gas is only $2.69 in Nebraska...better come get a tank full here!

Jamie said...

I just saw that around here too - maybe even as low as $2.89!!! Pretty nice. Plus, in NJ it's always full service. Every gas station has attendants, so that makes getting gas even nicer :) (even though we aren't having to buy much these days).

SHARLENE said...

Hey, I just got back from the grocery store and the gas station across from the church was $2.60- something. It keeps going down, but I don't need gas!!!!! I hate that!