Sunday, August 19, 2007

Update on Potty Time

Well potty time is on hiatus until further notice. Grace did pretty well the first day or so, but soon began going down hill quickly. She mastered going #2 really well, but she couldn't figure out the other to save her life. We're boiling it down to, she just simply isn't ready yet. It is completely fine because she isn't even 2 1/2 yet. So we're back to diapers for a while longer. We'll revisit the potty again in a month or so. Another reason I think she wasn't doing so well on the potty is because she and Joy both haven't been feeling so good for the last week or so. Oh well... there are much worse things in life than changing two kids diapers all day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, it figures...most of us have 'been there, done that'...and survived. So will Grace's Mom and Dad. Little ones can 'outsmart' you at every turn, but in the end, she will 'get it!' Hey, how did Rich's birthday go??? Lots of cake on his face the way Grace looked on hers? Happy Birthday to a great guy, with our love. GGpa & GGma F.