Friday, January 9, 2009

Fun at the Grocery Store

At the grocery store here in Nebraska they have kid sized carts. Grace was more than thrilled to find out she too could have her own cart to push. So of course Rich took pictures of her. It was so cute.


The Mihalek's said...

What cute shopping carts! Gracie looks so happy shopping!

Anonymous said...

Hey, kids sized carts are a good suggestion for Fred Meijer!!!
What a clever idea...I do hope the aisles are wide, not all kids would be careful drivers.
Grace, does your parents make you pay for the groceries in your cart?
love GGMA F.

Mrs. V said...

Hi Darcie-
Staci was telling me about your move (I work with her) I am glad you had safe travels! Your little girls are so cute!

Amie VanAmberg