Friday, November 14, 2008

More money saving sites

I came across two more great sites for saving money.

The first one is a site where you can preview next week's coupons. So you can decide if it is worth it to buy the paper (or more than one copy) for the coupons. Please visit this site, it is great.

The second site if a preview site with a lot of adds for Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving) shopping. So if you are planning on heading out, this can help you plan in advance. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Darcie, You have hit upon some good ones for the 'coupon' shopper.
I'm not a 'Black Friday' shopper at all...avoid at all cost. I do enjoy the bargains I find on emails from some places I order.
Your tips are great!!!
love Grandma Shirley