Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Honey!

Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband! He is truly the best ever. Not only is he a great husband...

he also keeps us laughing all the time...

and he is the best Dad ever too! Boy are we a lucky bunch of girls or what?

Happy Birthday, babe! We love you so much.


The Mihalek's said...

Happy Birthday Rich! Darcie you forgot some other great things about Rich. Like how great he is at Michigan Football commentary during the games, how good he looks driving the white mini-van, and how fantastically photogenic he is!

Seriously though, happy birthday to a great coach, father, and friend.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, we all love Rich. Happy Birthday are great.
Thanks for making Darcie so happy, and being a wonderful Dad to our Grace and Joy. Love to our precious family. We love you all. GGPA and GGMA Frandsen

Gwen Jackson said...

Happy belated birthday Rich!! I agree with Darcie... you are a great husband and father. Hope it was happy and the year ahead is full of lots of laughter and love.