Friday, May 30, 2008

First Hotel Stay

We headed up north this past weekend to help Rich's grandparents with some things and the girls got to stay in a hotel for the first time.

Grace's favorite part was the swimming pool and the big bed to herself.

Joy's favorite part was the phone. We disconnected of course, or else a lot of people in the hotel would have been receiving strange phone calls. :)


Anonymous said...

Lucky girls!! I'm sure they had a blast in the pool. I wish it would have worked out for me to come but I am planning a trip (short) in mid July with Grandma Spira to visit you all. I can't wait! It will be the later part of the week (while Sue is there from California too). We wont have lots of time but I hope to be able to see lots of my little grand daughters during that time! I sure do miss them (all of you).
Love ya, Mom B

Anonymous said...

Hey Grace, you look like a princess in that giant sized bed. What a fun time, and I'm sure you were a big help on the visit with GGMA Jackson. Joy, did you call your Grandma Marcia from the phone in the hotel? I'm sure you had lots of friends to call and chat with. I love seeing the pictures of you two sisters on your fun time. love you all...GGMA & GGPA Frandsen