Monday, March 3, 2008

Pictures of Gavin

We weren't going to go see Gavin until tomorrow, but I just couldn't wait. He is SO cute! He was asleep the whole time we were there. So hopefully when I go tomorrow he'll be a little awake.

Sleeping with his mouth wide open. How sweet!

Grace was so excited about her cousin. She kept kissing him and touching his hands.

Proud Daddy!

Look at that adorable face!


The Mihalek's said...

Welcome baby Gavin! These pictures are so adorable! Congratulations to Mark and Krista and the Tisdel, Jackson, and MacLaren family. May God bless your family.

May He give Mark and Krista the energy and patience that they will need during this new time together has husband, wife, and child. We are so excited to meet baby Gavin.

Thank you for sharing these precious pictures.

SHARLENE said...

"Our family baby" is so sweet, isn't he? I love that we are all related to each other. It's so fun. What a blessing!

Anonymous said...

What a blessed and loved child. We are so happy to see pictures, he is sooooooo sweet. Grace, give Gavin one little kiss from his Great-Grandma Shirley. Thank you! he loves being loved doesn't he?
Our special blessings on our dear Mark and Krista and their new son, a beautiful gift from God. Bless all who love him, thank you God for his life among us. GGma & GGpa F.

dylansmommy said...

Don't we love being aunts? I think he is so adorable. Dylan, Grace, and Joy are going to have so much fun with their new cousin!


Tim and Wendy said...

I bet Gavin would like a boy cousin close to his age. Hint, Hint! :-)