Joy's personality is blooming more and more each day. She is becoming more outgoing with each day. However, she still loves to be with Mommy more than anyone. Although she greets Rich at the door with a big hug. Her newest thing is to give everyone kisses, especially her babies.
She loves to go to the coffee table and pick out a book and walk as fast as she can back to you to read to her. It is so sweet. "Tiger in the Jungle" is her favorite book at the moment.The other day she wanted to sit on Rich's shoulders and then she started massaging his head. It was hilarious. She was so focused too. And of course Rich loved it as well!
Taking a break from all her hard work.
She continues to act like a little mommy. Here she is feeding her baby her bottle. She is definitely starting to mimic everything Grace does.
Joy is growing up and changing so quickly. She is so lucky to have Gracie for a big sister and I'm sure they will be very close. No doubt they are both smart little cookies and I love to see they enjoy reading so much.
Miss you Grace & Joy!!!(Rich & Darcie too)
Joy you are a doll! You are growing up so very fast! Your dad is pretty lucky to have a little girl like you to scratch his head!
Happy Valentine's day to you too!
We love you!
Joy and Grace continue to bring smiles to our faces as we view the pictures. Our happiness is in these two beautiful little girls. We thank God everyday for the wonderful family He has given us. We know Grace and Joy have wonderful parents...they have wonderful grandparents...and the most fortunate Great-Grandparents. Oh yes, and those Aunts and Uncles, cousins and cousin-to-be.
Thank you God for our family, GGpa and GGma Frandsen
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