Thursday, December 6, 2007

Happy Anniversary to Us!

We celebrated our 4th anniversary as of November 29. As Rich and I were reflecting on all that has happened in our 4 years of marriage this is what we came up with:

-We have lived in two different places (apartment & now the condo)

-We got a dog (our love able Charlie Boy)

-We've had two kids (our biggest achievement)

-Rich completed his bachelors degree

-One grandparent passed away

-Rich is in process of making a career change

-I quit work to stay home full time

-We've traveled to seven states

-And most importantly - We love each other so much more today than we did 4 years ago!


Anonymous said...

Our deepest love to our beautiful Grand daughter...and her super husband. We thank God for bringing you two together, we thank Him for your love shared. We pray that you will have a long and happy marriage, just as we have celebrated 56 1/2 years. And yes, it does just keep getting sweeter.
Sharing the ups and downs in life helps us grow. We are blessed.
We love those two precious girls, and enjoy the 'Charlie' stories. May God Bless you the more, and hold your love so true. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY with our love,
Grandpa and Grandma Frandsen

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Rich and Darcie! We have had so much fun spending time with you over the past couple of years. We pray that God will continue to bless your marriage and your family! Thanks for being such great friends!

Nate and Staci

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Kids!
I'm so proud of the both of you and can't tell you enough how great it is to see and know the love you two share. Your children are wonderful and the love you share shines through the light of the little ones eyes too.
Love ya bunches...
Mom B