Sunday, November 18, 2007

New Jackson Venture

Hey, RJ here,

As some of you know we started an Internet business several weeks ago to try and make a little money on the side. How it works is if you look at the top right hand corner of our page you will notice two links: Amazon Link and Ebay Link. If you click on either one of those you will be taken to a portal to those respective sites. If you click on those Amazon or Ebay windows you will be taken to those sites (which ever one you clicked on that is). Once you are there, if you sign up after coming from our portal than we get a little bit of money, as well as when you continue to buy forever after.

If you have ever click on an banner ad, or pop-up ad this is most likely what is taking place. Most companies do not do their own Internet marketing but pay people (like us) to drive people to their site. So instead of the money going to strangers or just all to Ebay or Amazon, you could help us out by buying goods from our link. This is not something we will make gobs of money off of (well unless this site is WAY more popular than I suspect) but it will help add a little money.

If you do want to participate in this that is great, and if you do not, no hard feelings. But if you are going to do it, it is important to follow our link at the top right hand side of our blog. If you go straight to Ebay or Amazon than just those companies keep those extra dollars, instead of spreading it around to folk like us.

I will also make a short plug on how sweet it is that Amazon now sells some select non-perishable grocery items now. Darcie has found that it is very comparable to Meijer and it is free delivery after not much. We have already bought some granola bars for Grace and some Green Tea for me (at slightly cheaper prices than Meijer I might add) through our link. So buy from whoever, or buy from us. Either way you are helping someone......why not us?

Disclaimer: If you were offended by this post you should not have. The Jacksons are not looking to take advantage of anyone, they are simply trying to get a little bit of money that would otherwise go fat corporate slush funds that fuel stock holders need for an ever increasing dividend. So please! Don't hate us for asking you to sign up using our link and buying from that one instead of your old one that does not benefit anyone you know.


SHARLENE said...

Cool. I will keep this in mind the next time I make a purchase through either place--which isn't that often. What a great way, though, to make a little extra money if you can hook up with some big spenders!


Anonymous said... goes this computer dinosaur again. Great-Grandma's do not purchase much...but Amazon is one place I do from time to time use. Don't be worried about offending people to ask that they try this...we all know that every little bit helps in family finances. As Bob wrote one day..."Whatever floats your boat". My only hope is that I do not get flooded with emails. My delete button comes in handy.
At any rate, we are very much in prayer for you are all so dear to our hearts, and we ask God for financial stability for your home. We love you, GGma-GGpa

Anonymous said...

Hey Rich...I found a couple of books I needed for Al's Christmas gift. I didn't have much info, so checked on They had it so I left that web, and went through your Blog to Amazon. It went real easy, and so I'm hoping there will be a % show up for you. Probably not much...but every little bit counts. Next time I'll just go through the blog to start with. If GGma's can do it, anyone can. Best wishes, and love to your beautiful family. Grandma F.