What a great Vacation!!! We had a lot of fun (some trials with whiny kids) but more smiles, so the good was more than the bad. Here is a few of the selection of smiles from the trip.
Here we have Gracie in her new pink chair that Nate and Staci got for her and she loves it.
Joy is, as usual, a happy bebe in her exersauser. She liked being outside in that thing as long as we were right there by her.
Here we have Darcie and Staci making a very good desert, Oreo Pie, it was fantastic and it made all of us smile.
Who wouldn't love holding a little bebe in their lap, especially a sweet bebe like Joy, that is a happy Daddy!
Grace of course loves being a ham and she was in no short supply on our trip. Nate had left his sunglasses on the table and it did not take long for Grace to grab them, put them on (upside down of course) and start dancing on the seat hamming it up.
Here is Nate and Charlie, Nate is not really smiling because he is almost done with his book and was very focused at this point, but Charlie has a nice little smirk on his face.
Sometimes the two girls were to much to carry so we would of course load them up in the stroller, they do like the ride.
Not really a smile on her face, but I put this in because I know little Gracie is bringing a smile to your face (maybe even an out loud laugh like it did for me). She was playing in the dirt and decided that she would maybe try eating some after she had also rubbed her face with her dirty hands....ewww.
Another happy Joy!
Whenever I had to carry Grace around this was the preferred method of travel for both me and her. It was much easier carrying her on my shoulders and she loved being high up.
I could have added more pictures and there will be more to come that is for sure. Just before the trip we hit our 2000Th picture with our camera, and we are already almost to 2200! Wow that's a lot of pictures, so yes more are coming but it is time for me to eat lunch now and then put Gracie down for a nap so bye bye.
- RJ
I love looking at all of the fun and funny memories. I would have to say the funniest picture would have to be the one of Grace in the dirt! What a little stinker! Never a dull moment with the Jackson family! :) We will always remember the issue with the licorice and the ice pack....:) :)
The exciting train ride looks so fun. I think I have #2 & #3 mixed, but all of your vacation looks fun. I hope Nate & Staci recoup. I didn't see Charlie on the train. But Grace is a great train rider. So glad for your fun week. We will see you next week to celebrate GETTING-OLDER (cute chick) Mommie's Birthday. Anxious for hugs and kisses, GGma & GGpa
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