Wednesday, May 9, 2007


We did it, Grace is 2 and now me and mommy can relax, whew......

Yeah Right!

Most of you do know that Gracie's birthday was actually on 4/30, but it didn't really feel like it till her party on Saturday. Grace had a great time, she was so excited for the rest of the day. She wanted to thank all of you for coming and all the nice comments and gifts she got, but she is not the best at formulating sentences yet so I will thank you for her. I do not know how to thank everyone that came, nor does Darc, but we do thank all of you. You made Gracie's day, as I hope she brought some Joy to yours (no pun intended, but technically Joy did come with her too).

But anyway, her she is with some of you that came, I am sorry I took a lot of photos but I did not get everyone in with Grace......What do you expect, I am just a joe smoe with a camera, not a professional. But for those of you that did get a picture with Grace here you are.

Perhaps the furthest traveler at 650 miles was Grandma B. Grace told me that despite being spoiled by her Grandma B. she still was really looking forward to having some cake. She then asked me if the cake was made by Grandma B. because she knows how delectable her baked goods are. She still was excited to know that Mommy made the cake but then she said that she would look forward to eating a cake as long as I did not cook it, to which I said, "Daddy can cook circles around your mommy and Grandmas." After that she must have laughed for at least half an hour, haha real funny Grace. She also said she was saddened by the fact that Grandma had to leave so soon, but what can you do?

You know where Grace is Joy is sure to follow and she in fact did. Here she is sporting a new outfit she got and she was telling me when I took this photo that she could not remember when the last time she saw so many people. I told her it was when she was born, but she was too young to remember that. To that she said to me, "Daddy, I think I do remember a little bit, but could you please refresh my memory, I just started to build it not more than a few months ago." I appreciate how polite she is to me.

Then there is Grandpa T. He definitely was one of the shortest travelers to the parts at a whopping 20 ft from where he started in the morning, the bedroom. But between him and Grandma T. they may have combined to cross the 50 feet mark.

Uncle Mark enjoys reading to Gracie, and when doesn't Gracie like to be read to? If she is not eating she is reading a book (well, someone reading to her, let's all remember she is just 2, but she is learning fast).

Gracie loves her aunt Krissy, and she takes to Grace pretty well too. Gracie told her that she can't wait for her baby cousin to arrive someday. Grace also told her not to sweat it, she knows her uncle Mark and how he is holding off because he is worried that he will get a girl and then her and Grace will go to the Mall and spend all of his money.......... AND WAIT! MY MONEY TOO!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Here is another candidate for bring me a cousin. Grace told her aunt Staci that she needs to get on the ball too. Gracie knows that her and Uncle Nate would make great parents. Grace told me that they do such a good job when they watch her and Joy that it is just a matter of time. She only noted that one time U. Nate was doing some chemistry stuff on the patio one time and it caused a huge explosion and then he had to reside our house before we got home. I thought that something looked different?

Poor Aunt Myra! Gracie was giving her the cold shoulder. Grace told me afterwards Myra that she was upset at you because most of the times she sees you she gets to have her "Hot Dip" but you didn't bring any for her and that was why she was giving you the cold shoulder. But you should have heard her say how sorry she was when she realized who gave her that Super Sweet Elmo Phone! She has already planned a huge dinner party with Elmo and his Friends! She is especially looking forward to having Cookie come over, with of course Elmo.

Great G-Pa F. He also traveled a long way. Grace said that they were discussing Farmall Tractors together and how much he wanted to give her one but that he felt she was maybe one year to young. Needless to say, she said she can't wait till next year.

The Great G-ma's: G-ma F. and G-ma T. Both with Gracie girl. Grace told me that she learned so much from them in a short time that she is worried that she forgot some stuff, but she took notes. Grace said she learned that Lots of laughs and a kind heart will bring much happiness to life and that these Grandma's were full of it (kindness and laughs that is).

And of course Mommy, Daddy, and Joy came too. How could we miss our sweet Gracie's birthday.

Thank you all that came, and again sorry for some of you not having pictures with Gracie. Honorable mentions: Of course Grandma T! Nate, and Noah were also there, but they were partying it up so much that they eluded that camera.


Anonymous said...

Great job Rich. I love all your narratives with the photos. I'm honored that Grace would like me to bake her some goodies - I'll have to see about sending HER a care package (she can decide if she should share with her daddy) :)
I sure love all these photos and being so far away makes me cry everytime I see these adorable little girls -oh what I'm missing being so far away! Thanks to you and Darc for making these beautiful babies and sharing your love in and through them with and to all of us! We are all blessed with GRACE, & JOY! Ha humor! GmaB

Shirley Frandsen said...

We love our Grace & Joy. We had a wonderful time watching Grace enjoy her toys and ball and balloons. We had a wonderful time holding sweet baby Joy. (of course I did have to laundry my slacks later) We had a wonderful time with all of our dear family...and enjoy meeting their friends. We love ALL of you, GGpa - GGma F.

Anonymous said...

This was so much fun to read Rich! I know...Grace keeps telling me that she wants a little cousin. Grace needs to pull Uncle Nate aside and give him a good talking too. About the science experiement, we hoped you wouldn't notice. Nate was trying to be Bill Nye the Science Guy for the girls again. :)
Thanks for inviting us to the party. You and your family always make us feel part of your family! That means a lot to us. Your Grandmas are pretty cool ladies too! We love you guys! We've really enjoyed watching Grace these first two years of her life and can't wait to see her grow more and more. Hopefully it will take time and not go so fast! :)