Monday, April 30, 2007

These are a few of Grace's favorite things...

In honor of Grace's birthday, here are some of her favorite things.

Her Elmo. She loves anything to do with Elmo and anything that has him on it.

Driving. Grace LOVES to pretend to drive. Anytime I'm trying to load Joy into the van she immediately tries to sneak into the front seat.

Her sister. Grace is becoming a great big sister. She loves to play "Pat-A-Cake" and sing to Joy, as well as tell her "It's Ok" anytime she is crying.

Being outside. Anything to do outside, even if it is just going to get the mail. She literally throws a fit anytime we make her come back inside.

Wearing Mommy's" pretties. She just wants to always have perfume, jewelry, make-up etc... on like I do. It is a little frightening because she is ONLY 2!

Jelly. It is Grace's newest favorite food. Well that and pizza (or pizzba as Grace would say.) She loves to dip ANYTHING into the leftover jelly on her plate. Also, anytime I open the refrigerator she has to point to the jelly.

And lastly...Charlie. Her most favorite playmate (besides Daddy and Mommy.) He is also her most favorite thing to torment. The poor dog. It is a wonder he doesn't jump the wall on our patio and never return home. Her newest fascination with Charlie is pulling his tail and then run away laughing. bet!

My favorite thing about Grace... what a sweetheart she is. She is always wanting to give hugs and kisses and say "I love you too." What a great little girl we have.

1 comment:

Shirley Frandsen said...

Elmo - Driving the Car - Big Sister to Joy - 'throws a fit??' -Mommies pretties and jelly dippin' - and then there is Charlie, Oh, Charlie, it has just begun...hang in there boy,
GGpa & GGma F