Friday, April 13, 2007

Just like Mommy...

The other day as I was folding laundry, I looked over at Gracie and she had gotten the Bobby pillow and her baby Elmo and crawled up on the couch. I thought nothing of it and started to fold the laundry again. A couple of minutes later Gracie yelled "Mommy Elmo Eat." When I turned my head to see what she meant it just cracked me up. There she was "feeding" Elmo like Mommy feeds Joy. She was so proud of herself. I had to try so hard not to laugh so I could get pictures. She it turning into quite the little Mommy.

Gracie nursing Baby Elmo.

Burping Baby Elmo.

1 comment:

Shirley Frandsen said...

Oh, our precious Grace...the adventuresome one. She reminds us of her mommy in more ways than one. She too will 'gulp' life, and still be deep and thoughtful. She has a wonderful role model in Mommy. GGrandpa & GGrandma F