Saturday, April 21, 2007

Blessed? Is that really a question?

Is it really a question that I am blessed? Just look at my two little girls, and then top it off with Darc.

This entry is going to be highlighting our newest addition to the family, bebe Joy (or Goy if you ask Grace).

Joy our little bebe, loves to sleep, which is good, she is a bebe, that is what she does. But she also likes to do and play other things, such as.........


She really likes to play that with daddy and laughs at me all the time (well as long as she is full of milk and happy). The other time she likes to smile is when she is getting ready to poo.
NOTE!! - if you have a weak stomach you may want to skip the next picture.

Here bebe Joy had poo'ed her pants and I was in the middle of changing her and right after I took her old diaper off she proceded to blast me with a stream of poo right on my chest. It was so nasty all I could do is freak out. Darc was upstairs taking care of laundry and I just screamed "OH SICK! OH SICK!......DARC!!!! HELP!!!! She did not respond so quickly becuase she said I am overdramatic about so many things that she just thought I was doing it again. But as soon as she saw me she started running down, but at this point all I could do was laugh about it so I had her grab the camera and shoot me and Joy with a blast of baby fertalizer all over my shirt, pants, socks, and yes the couch (if you are concerned which cusion it is when you come over I am not supposed to tell you but it was on the couch that rymes with tig, and it was on the side that rymes with beft).

Thankfully Bebe Joy has a great sister to watch over her when me and Darc are busy detoxing the whole room and sending me to a waste treatment facility to get cleaned up.

Why does this kind of stuff always seem to happen to me? I don't know, Darc gets out of "Nasty explosions" everytime. I suppose God knows why it happens to me. But I do know this..... everytime I think something terrible has just happened (like getting blasted with poo, or like the other week being blasted with a stream of puke from Grace) it always turns into an event that we just start cracking up laughing about, both soon after and forever after. Although I am not praying to be pooped or puked on ever again, I know it will both happen again and will be accepted as a unique and laughable chapter in the life of the Jackson Family. Sometimes I just think these experiences are God's way of telling us "Hey, lighten up will ya?!?" And it works. But anyway I hope you could enjoy a good laugh at my expense, like Darcie still is (and to tell you the truth so am I). Anyway, time to go!
And thus closes this addition of The Jackson 4.
- RJ.


Anonymous said...

You are truly blessed Rich! With two beautiful daughters and a wonderful wife and friend that you have in are blessed and you are a blessing to your family...and friends! :) Thanks for sharing the poo incident. I can't help but laugh! You poor thing! Oh the memories!

Shirley Frandsen said...

Hi are a great story teller, but I have the feeling this was 'beyond story'. We are hoping that you have everything clean and sweet before Grace turns two, we want to come for her Birthday.(well 5-5, not 4-30) Loving you and your wonderful Darcie. Loving those two beautiful Great Granddaughters of ours...wouldn't trade them for the world. GGpa & GGma F

Rich and Darcie said...

Thank you both. I am blessed. Darcie always tells me that I do like to tell stories, unfortunatly this was an all to true of one too. My shirt sure wishes it was a bad dream. Part of parenting I guess, except Darc hasn't had this stuff happen to her? Who can help me stage an event that would cause either Grace or Joy to do something dramatic to Darc.....I am kidding?

Anonymous said...

Hi, you guys. Oh, your baby girls are so cute and sweet. I can't believe how fast Joy is growing. Grace, too, but Joy has changed in looks from the last time I saw her. Those big eyes! Wow! The "poo" story was too funny. Thanks for sharing. You won't be forgetting that one any time soon.

Love ya.
Auntie Shar--or Grandma Shar--whatever.