Thursday, March 22, 2007

Precious girls

Guess who Gracie loves?

Mommy and Gracie before we went to Grace's "boyfriend's" birthday party. I just love to dress my girls and make them look like a mini version of me. Grace & Joy are both definitely my little "mini-me's."

Grandma's girls!

Joy had her two month check up on Monday. Boy oh boy is she HUGE! She weighed in at 12 lbs. 7 oz. and is 23 1/2" long. So that means in two months she's gained 5 lbs and grown 2 1/2". That is so crazy. Grace definitely took longer to get bigger. I was comparing their stats the other night and when Grace was 4 1/2 months old she weighed 13 lbs. 4 oz., whereas I'm sure that Joy will surpass that in her 3rd month. It is so funny to me how two kids from the exact same parents can be so different.

1 comment:

Shirley Frandsen said...

I'm so pretty...oh so pretty...and so loved. What happy faces, what beautiful little girls. We love them so much, we love Grandma too. She is just the 'bestest'.