We took our little ladybug and cowgirl to the mall trick or treating on Friday night. Wow was that a madhouse, but the girls had a blast seeing all the different costumes. On Halloween night we met some friends at a Trunk or Treat and then went trick or treating in their neighborhood. The girls had so much fun with their little friends.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Fall ( Part 3)
Fall (Part 2)
The girls carved their pumpkin a couple of nights before Halloween. The thought it was so much fun. Of course Rich did all the actual carving but they had fun removing the "guts".
The girls adoring their pumpkin. It was so funny because they were talking to it like it was an actual person. They named it "Pumpkin Jackson".
Fall (Part 1)
This has been a busy fall for our family. It seems like we have something going every single day of the week and the kids haven't even started school yet.
Grace started Cubbies this year and absolutely loves it. Her BFF Alyssa is in it as well.
We got a freak snow storm at the beginning of October. We got 3 inches of snow but some areas got 7+. Needless to say I was NOT happy about the snow flying so early in the year. But as I write this today, a month later it is now 65 degrees. Nebraska weather is very odd!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Football Season!
Today is the day that College Football kicks off. We're big college football fans in the Jackson household, unfortunately Rich has to work most of the day but we're recording the important games like the U of M game. The girls were so excited that they wanted to wear their cheer leading outfits! Unfortunately, Joy's is too small, but she squeezed into it, and Grace's is getting to small. So we'll just make do this fall and buy new ones next year.
We miss all of our Michigan friends in particular today. The games aren't' the same without all of you. And Staci, now I don't have anyone to talk to during the games. :( Look how much the girls have grown since last year when they wore their cheer leading outfits.
Look how our garden grows...
We have had quite a fun time with our garden this year. We grew, pumpkins, watermelon, corn, cucumbers, green peppers, peas and tomatoes. The corn was a bust because it was ripe while we were in MI, and the peas didn't do too well either, but everything else has gone really well. we have had literally HUNDREDS of tomatoes. Neither one of us has gardened before so we didn't really know what we were doing or what to expect. 8 tomato plants is WAY too many!!! I have been canning, making salsa, salads, freezing tomatoes and anything else I can think to do with them. So next year we will only do about 5 plants I think.
One of our pumpkins grew WAY too fast, and was ready to be picked way to early. We picked this the 3rd week of August. We're hoping it lasts until October. It weighed in at 44 lbs!!!!!!
This is the only watermelon that grew out of the seeds we planted. It was SOOOOO good. It weighed in at 23 lbs!!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Trip to Michigan
In mid-August we took a very very short trip to Michigan. Even though it was a short trip we had a great time, and tried to see as many people as we could.
Beautiful sunset over the Grand River.
Joy being funny at Grandma and Grandpa's.
My adorable nephew, Gavin, loved Rich.
Swimming at Grandpa's
Grandpa Jackson bought a little kiddie pool this summer and the girls absolutely LOVED it. They loved that they could run and jump into the pool. They are so funny!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
We are alive...I promise
Well, well, well....where do I even begin? A lot has happened since I last blogged, because it's been almost 2 months!!! Sorry to my 4 fans who actually read the blog. :)
We have been quite busy this summer, with visitors, play dates, the zoo, outdoor activity and now a dance class.
We were so excited in June to have Nate & Staci come visit. We always have such a great time with them. We've have missed them horribly so it was so refreshing to have time with them.
My Dad & Mom came in July. My Dad could only stay a few days but my mom was able to stay 2 weeks. It was so nice to have them here and show them around our new city. They also lucked out and didn't have to suffer in the Nebraska heat and humidity.
Grace, and now Joy, are enjoying their dance class. It's put on by a friend of a friend at a local church. It has been so much fun to see the girls participate in the class. We're considering enrolling Grace in a dance class this fall. We'll see though because I feel like our calendar is already filling up. Whew!
Well I would love to say that I will become a better blogger, but I don't really want to make promises that I'm not sure if I can keep. :) Hopefully I'll be more regular about updating the blog.
And for our Michigan people, we will be home August 10-13. Can't wait to see as many of you as possible. For now, enjoy the pictures!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Rich's HS Reunion
Over the weekend we went to Rich's high school reunion - it has been 10 years already!!!! We both had a great time. I'm so glad he got to catch up with his buddies. It is amazing that they are all still pretty close after 10 years. They crack me up because they talk, and talk and talk and it seems like no time has passed since they've last seen each other.
I had a great time with the other wives. I knew two of them before but Jen (pictured below) I met on Saturday nite. It is so fun that even all the wives get along so great!
Phil is missing from the picture, but the rest are: Stu & Jen, Logan & Leanna, Us, John & Kristin. These are Rich's closest friends from HS.